Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: September 2024
Generated 01-Oct-2024 04:22 ICT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Users] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for September 2024
Total Hits 877554
Total Files 447938
Total Pages 86764
Total Visits 16069
Total KBytes 17679141
Total Unique Sites 16144
Total Unique URLs 58755
Total Unique Referrers 1771
Total Unique Usernames 1
Total Unique User Agents 14564
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 1218 40479
Hits per Day 29251 98076
Files per Day 14931 66186
Pages per Day 2892 9491
Sites per Day 538 1756
Visits per Day 535 1665
KBytes per Day 589305 2087797
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 51.04% 447938
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.01% 102
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.25% 2151
Code 302 - Found 0.00% 22
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.05% 442
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.02% 135
Code 401 - Unauthorized 0.00% 10
Code 403 - Forbidden 1.01% 8896
Code 404 - Not Found 47.60% 417713
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.00% 22
Code 501 - Not Implemented 0.01% 116
Code 502 - Bad Gateway 0.00% 5
Code 504 - Gateway Timeout 0.00% 2

Daily usage for September 2024

Daily Statistics for September 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 14567 1.66% 10749 2.40% 586 0.68% 179 1.11% 1628 10.08% 264601 1.50%
2 15337 1.75% 12826 2.86% 2334 2.69% 160 1.00% 884 5.48% 547186 3.10%
3 98076 11.18% 62956 14.05% 9491 10.94% 430 2.68% 1302 8.06% 909737 5.15%
4 77831 8.87% 57522 12.84% 9370 10.80% 661 4.11% 1756 10.88% 1049383 5.94%
5 48620 5.54% 40192 8.97% 2419 2.79% 822 5.12% 961 5.95% 1121225 6.34%
6 31894 3.63% 31267 6.98% 2253 2.60% 550 3.42% 1155 7.15% 1100745 6.23%
7 66798 7.61% 66186 14.78% 2724 3.14% 601 3.74% 1581 9.79% 1280350 7.24%
8 16947 1.93% 16605 3.71% 1710 1.97% 568 3.53% 774 4.79% 773775 4.38%
9 47223 5.38% 44137 9.85% 3974 4.58% 1665 10.36% 1084 6.71% 2087797 11.81%
10 30536 3.48% 25904 5.78% 2365 2.73% 892 5.55% 1638 10.15% 1148973 6.50%
11 21752 2.48% 3677 0.82% 2259 2.60% 552 3.44% 926 5.74% 361496 2.04%
12 35719 4.07% 3014 0.67% 2628 3.03% 1122 6.98% 1089 6.75% 264512 1.50%
13 44024 5.02% 2019 0.45% 2580 2.97% 1389 8.64% 1605 9.94% 183033 1.04%
14 40235 4.58% 2337 0.52% 2891 3.33% 1340 8.34% 908 5.62% 216056 1.22%
15 14315 1.63% 1807 0.40% 1337 1.54% 373 2.32% 1084 6.71% 159030 0.90%
16 22620 2.58% 4636 1.03% 2334 2.69% 471 2.93% 1560 9.66% 432199 2.44%
17 34343 3.91% 6566 1.47% 3884 4.48% 148 0.92% 765 4.74% 577869 3.27%
18 10029 1.14% 3464 0.77% 1704 1.96% 103 0.64% 947 5.87% 287498 1.63%
19 12293 1.40% 4634 1.03% 2599 3.00% 197 1.23% 1527 9.46% 469120 2.65%
20 14128 1.61% 5950 1.33% 3182 3.67% 120 0.75% 750 4.65% 587112 3.32%
21 19132 2.18% 7024 1.57% 3987 4.60% 399 2.48% 1128 6.99% 597510 3.38%
22 20147 2.30% 6186 1.38% 4053 4.67% 463 2.88% 673 4.17% 545581 3.09%
23 22985 2.62% 4645 1.04% 3285 3.79% 683 4.25% 588 3.64% 455934 2.58%
24 17882 2.04% 2967 0.66% 2035 2.35% 545 3.39% 598 3.70% 274034 1.55%
25 29010 3.31% 1814 0.40% 1712 1.97% 546 3.40% 598 3.70% 194974 1.10%
26 16361 1.86% 1690 0.38% 1172 1.35% 379 2.36% 573 3.55% 247267 1.40%
27 13813 1.57% 3853 0.86% 1832 2.11% 240 1.49% 677 4.19% 335553 1.90%
28 15524 1.77% 5197 1.16% 2073 2.39% 224 1.39% 1135 7.03% 572675 3.24%
29 14057 1.60% 4281 0.96% 2069 2.38% 213 1.33% 1416 8.77% 293866 1.66%
30 11356 1.29% 3833 0.86% 1922 2.22% 137 0.85% 676 4.19% 340049 1.92%

Hourly usage for September 2024

Hourly Statistics for September 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 980 29411 3.35% 450 13501 3.01% 92 2774 3.20% 22918 687541 3.89%
1 1044 31343 3.57% 504 15129 3.38% 106 3196 3.68% 21214 636422 3.60%
2 783 23514 2.68% 322 9660 2.16% 83 2505 2.89% 16065 481942 2.73%
3 1330 39921 4.55% 590 17709 3.95% 92 2762 3.18% 20360 610804 3.45%
4 1432 42983 4.90% 663 19902 4.44% 102 3060 3.53% 22806 684183 3.87%
5 1027 30824 3.51% 415 12461 2.78% 99 2979 3.43% 20034 601010 3.40%
6 1167 35018 3.99% 626 18800 4.20% 99 2989 3.44% 23326 699790 3.96%
7 1363 40902 4.66% 797 23936 5.34% 101 3047 3.51% 26289 788683 4.46%
8 1026 30805 3.51% 452 13582 3.03% 98 2961 3.41% 26395 791849 4.48%
9 955 28676 3.27% 433 12998 2.90% 98 2944 3.39% 25351 760542 4.30%
10 1071 32157 3.66% 532 15968 3.56% 103 3111 3.59% 36273 1088177 6.16%
11 2270 68103 7.76% 1159 34785 7.77% 186 5592 6.45% 32263 967878 5.47%
12 1814 54447 6.20% 929 27885 6.23% 305 9158 10.56% 26610 798287 4.52%
13 875 26275 2.99% 412 12363 2.76% 94 2822 3.25% 24312 729356 4.13%
14 1175 35276 4.02% 678 20357 4.54% 98 2949 3.40% 26707 801213 4.53%
15 1426 42789 4.88% 910 27328 6.10% 99 2999 3.46% 29790 893688 5.06%
16 1034 31021 3.53% 528 15855 3.54% 95 2873 3.31% 22006 660179 3.73%
17 967 29018 3.31% 471 14130 3.15% 91 2741 3.16% 20821 624643 3.53%
18 873 26219 2.99% 335 10053 2.24% 99 2980 3.43% 17764 532922 3.01%
19 917 27519 3.14% 356 10682 2.38% 99 2991 3.45% 19552 586548 3.32%
20 1582 47469 5.41% 1101 33043 7.38% 99 2993 3.45% 27035 811041 4.59%
21 1973 59199 6.75% 1136 34100 7.61% 347 10420 12.01% 26269 788069 4.46%
22 975 29275 3.34% 480 14412 3.22% 95 2862 3.30% 30066 901967 5.10%
23 1179 35390 4.03% 643 19299 4.31% 101 3056 3.52% 25080 752408 4.26%

Top 30 of 58755 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 33355 3.80% 4102491 23.21% /maehoingoenstats/usage_202409.html
2 18438 2.10% 578142 3.27% /webboard_view.php
3 14990 1.71% 473749 2.68% /webboard.php
4 7202 0.82% 909664 5.15% /maehoingoenstats//usage_202409.html
5 4672 0.53% 79452 0.45% /news_view.php
6 3823 0.44% 27178 0.15% /inform.php
7 3783 0.43% 25638 0.15% /travel_view.php
8 3355 0.38% 23465 0.13% /about.php
9 2827 0.32% 479 0.00% /redirectdl.php
10 2416 0.28% 343 0.00% /redirect.php
11 2166 0.25% 3980 0.02% /
12 2139 0.24% 6603 0.04% /news.php
13 1888 0.22% 14292 0.08% /president.php
14 1766 0.20% 98650 0.56% /maehoingoen/news.php/eng/eng/eng/img_update/download/eng/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/img_update/Documents and Settings/Adm
15 1708 0.19% 12072 0.07% /contact.php
16 1646 0.19% 9847 0.06% /travels.php
17 1259 0.14% 70497 0.40% /maehoingoen/news.php/eng/eng/eng/img_update/download/eng/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/Documents and Settings/Administrator/
18 1092 0.12% 61035 0.35% /maehoingoen/news.php/eng/eng/eng/img_update/download/eng/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/img_update/Documents and Settings/Doc
19 1041 0.12% 33204 0.19% /maehoingoen/webboard_detail.php
20 901 0.10% 50499 0.29% /maehoingoen/news.php/eng/eng/eng/img_update/download/eng/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/Documents and Set
21 839 0.10% 47055 0.27% /maehoingoen/news.php/eng/eng/eng/img_update/download/eng/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/class/
22 792 0.09% 44220 0.25% /maehoingoen/news.php/eng/eng/eng/img_update/download/eng/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/Documents and Settings/Documents and
23 781 0.09% 1489 0.01% /str4xe.php
24 768 0.09% 43097 0.24% /maehoingoen/news.php/eng/eng/eng/img_update/download/eng/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/Docume
25 751 0.09% 8420 0.05% /home.php
26 746 0.09% 11108 0.06% /rss/
27 673 0.08% 45996 0.26% /fonts/Cloud-Bold.otf
28 665 0.08% 44246 0.25% /fonts/Cloud-Light.otf
29 620 0.07% 3538 0.02% /str5x.php
30 615 0.07% 3463 0.02% /str2.php

Top 10 of 58755 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 33355 3.80% 4102491 23.21% /maehoingoenstats/usage_202409.html
2 7202 0.82% 909664 5.15% /maehoingoenstats//usage_202409.html
3 18438 2.10% 578142 3.27% /webboard_view.php
4 14990 1.71% 473749 2.68% /webboard.php
5 177 0.02% 343513 1.94% /img/bg-intro.jpg
6 427 0.05% 341762 1.93% /img/header1.jpg
7 254 0.03% 226156 1.28% /img/header3.jpg
8 5 0.00% 206799 1.17% /img_update/download/36_850_แผนพัฒนาท้องถิ่น พ.ศ.2566-2570 แก้ไขครั้งที่1.2566.pdf
9 253 0.03% 183579 1.04% /img/header2.jpg
10 144 0.02% 123220 0.70% /img/bg-main.jpg

Top 10 of 3824 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1259 0.14% 1822 20.46% /maehoingoen/news.php/eng/eng/eng/img_update/download/eng/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/Documents and Settings/Administrator/
2 839 0.10% 1164 13.07% /maehoingoen/news.php/eng/eng/eng/img_update/download/eng/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/class/
3 2166 0.25% 1073 12.05% /
4 33355 3.80% 434 4.87% /maehoingoenstats/usage_202409.html
5 746 0.09% 102 1.15% /rss/
6 38 0.00% 33 0.37% /maehoingoen/banner.html
7 6 0.00% 22 0.25% /maehoingoen/
8 154 0.02% 18 0.20% /maehoingoen/news.php/img_update/download/eng/eng/Documents and Settings/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/img_update/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/img_update/download/images/images/images/banner.html
9 7 0.00% 16 0.18% /maehoingoen/contact.php/banner.html
10 132 0.02% 15 0.17% /maehoingoen/news.php/img_update/download/eng/eng/Documents and Settings/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/img_update/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/img_update/download/images/images/images/images/banner.html

Top 10 of 3789 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1259 0.14% 1857 20.86% /maehoingoen/news.php/eng/eng/eng/img_update/download/eng/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/Documents and Settings/Administrator/
2 839 0.10% 1171 13.15% /maehoingoen/news.php/eng/eng/eng/img_update/download/eng/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/img_update/download/img_update/class/
3 2166 0.25% 937 10.53% /
4 33355 3.80% 431 4.84% /maehoingoenstats/usage_202409.html
5 746 0.09% 227 2.55% /rss/
6 38 0.00% 34 0.38% /maehoingoen/banner.html
7 6 0.00% 22 0.25% /maehoingoen/
8 154 0.02% 20 0.22% /maehoingoen/news.php/img_update/download/eng/eng/Documents and Settings/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/img_update/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/img_update/download/images/images/images/banner.html
9 7 0.00% 18 0.20% /maehoingoen/contact.php/banner.html
10 122 0.01% 18 0.20% /maehoingoen/news.php/img_update/banner.html

Top 30 of 16144 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 79735 9.09% 26173 5.84% 259798 1.47% 0 0.00%
2 79583 9.07% 26074 5.82% 257939 1.46% 0 0.00%
3 47079 5.36% 17784 3.97% 131689 0.74% 1 0.01%
4 31721 3.61% 26 0.01% 10515 0.06% 2 0.01%
5 25384 2.89% 25384 5.67% 2265187 12.81% 14 0.09%
6 24129 2.75% 13459 3.00% 98934 0.56% 1 0.01%
7 22517 2.57% 22513 5.03% 214866 1.22% 21 0.13%
8 21113 2.41% 21107 4.71% 200509 1.13% 20 0.12%
9 20836 2.37% 20829 4.65% 197224 1.12% 21 0.13%
10 19060 2.17% 19060 4.26% 1708049 9.66% 23 0.14%
11 17934 2.04% 17929 4.00% 169619 0.96% 20 0.12%
12 9020 1.03% 9020 2.01% 815626 4.61% 1 0.01%
13 6132 0.70% 6131 1.37% 516418 2.92% 2 0.01%
14 5621 0.64% 5620 1.25% 515079 2.91% 6 0.04%
15 5616 0.64% 2040 0.46% 101551 0.57% 182 1.13%
16 5577 0.64% 0 0.00% 38 0.00% 472 2.94%
17 5461 0.62% 2033 0.45% 101430 0.57% 174 1.08%
18 5255 0.60% 1983 0.44% 98630 0.56% 194 1.21%
19 5224 0.60% 2077 0.46% 103232 0.58% 173 1.08%
20 5145 0.59% 1957 0.44% 97212 0.55% 167 1.04%
21 5140 0.59% 1868 0.42% 93011 0.53% 163 1.01%
22 5100 0.58% 1698 0.38% 84838 0.48% 174 1.08%
23 5040 0.57% 2053 0.46% 101962 0.58% 175 1.09%
24 4860 0.55% 1799 0.40% 89917 0.51% 172 1.07%
25 4859 0.55% 1694 0.38% 84338 0.48% 163 1.01%
26 4843 0.55% 1797 0.40% 89594 0.51% 166 1.03%
27 4834 0.55% 1861 0.42% 92818 0.53% 178 1.11%
28 4828 0.55% 1750 0.39% 86580 0.49% 160 1.00%
29 4746 0.54% 1706 0.38% 84936 0.48% 171 1.06%
30 4701 0.54% 1561 0.35% 77178 0.44% 167 1.04%

Top 10 of 16144 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 25384 2.89% 25384 5.67% 2265187 12.81% 14 0.09%
2 19060 2.17% 19060 4.26% 1708049 9.66% 23 0.14%
3 9020 1.03% 9020 2.01% 815626 4.61% 1 0.01%
4 6132 0.70% 6131 1.37% 516418 2.92% 2 0.01%
5 5621 0.64% 5620 1.25% 515079 2.91% 6 0.04%
6 1363 0.16% 1346 0.30% 290995 1.65% 2 0.01%
7 79735 9.09% 26173 5.84% 259798 1.47% 0 0.00%
8 79583 9.07% 26074 5.82% 257939 1.46% 0 0.00%
9 22517 2.57% 22513 5.03% 214866 1.22% 21 0.13%
10 21113 2.41% 21107 4.71% 200509 1.13% 20 0.12%

Top 30 of 1771 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 568861 64.82% - (Direct Request)
2 31899 3.63%
3 26456 3.01% and Settings/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/img_update/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/img_update/download/images/images/images/images
4 25866 2.95%
5 25300 2.88% https://xn----htbk0aietd.xn--p1ai
6 14722 1.68%
7 9094 1.04%
8 9019 1.03%
9 8983 1.02%
10 7263 0.83%
11 5015 0.57% and Settings/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/img_update/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/img_update/download/images/images/images/link.p
12 4924 0.56% and Settings/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/img_update/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/img_update/download/images/images/images/banner
13 3516 0.40% and Settings/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/img_update/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/img_update/download/images/link.php
14 3493 0.40% and Settings/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/img_update/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/img_update/download/images/banner.html
15 3356 0.38%
16 3324 0.38%
17 3208 0.37%
18 3140 0.36%
19 3082 0.35% and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/images/images/link.php
20 2985 0.34%
21 2974 0.34% and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/eng/img_update/download/img_update/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/img_update/download/img_update/download/images/images/link.php
22 2910 0.33% and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/images/images/banner.html
23 2800 0.32%
24 2772 0.32% and Settings/Administrator/Documents and Settings/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/eng/img_update/download/images/link.php
25 2762 0.31% and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/eng/img_update/download/img_update/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/img_update/download/img_update/download/images/images/banner.html
26 2683 0.31% and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/images/banner.html
27 2676 0.30% and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/images/link.php
28 2542 0.29% and Settings/Administrator/Documents and Settings/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/eng/img_update/download/images/banner.html
29 2385 0.27% and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/eng/img_update/download/img_update/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/img_update/download/img_update/download/images/banner.html
30 2330 0.27% and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/img_update/download/eng/img_update/download/banner.html

Top 20 of 445 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 6540 87.56% testing
2 54 0.72% testing'
3 54 0.72% testing'\x22
4 54 0.72% testing'\x22()
5 54 0.72% testing'||dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(98)||chr(98)||chr(98)15)||'
6 54 0.72% testing-1 waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
7 54 0.72% testing0'xor(if(now()=sysdate()sleep(15)0))xor'z
8 54 0.72% testing0\x22xor(if(now()=sysdate()sleep(15)0))xor\x22z
9 54 0.72% testing\x22
10 54 0.72% testing\xc0\xa7\xc0\xa2%27%22\x5c'\x5c\x22
11 5 0.07%
12 5 0.07%
13 1 0.01%
14 1 0.01% testing'||sleep(27*1000)*apfopw||'
15 1 0.01% testing'||sleep(27*1000)*atngom||'
16 1 0.01% testing'||sleep(27*1000)*atryct||'
17 1 0.01% testing'||sleep(27*1000)*azsrbo||'
18 1 0.01% testing'||sleep(27*1000)*bbsfnt||'
19 1 0.01% testing'||sleep(27*1000)*cdgfsr||'
20 1 0.01% testing'||sleep(27*1000)*ckyoxr||'

Top 1 of 1 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 568 0.06% 568 0.13% 294 0.00% 2 0.01% anonymous

Top 15 of 14564 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 232225 26.46% facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+
2 159318 18.15% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; Bytespider; spider-
3 83070 9.47% meta-externalagent/1.1 (+
4 82398 9.39% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/92.0.4515.159 Safari/537.36
5 65366 7.45% User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; 360SE)
6 32159 3.66% Mozlila/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G892A Bulid/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/60.0.31
7 24855 2.83% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.79 Safari/537.36
8 23365 2.66% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/117.0.5938.132 Safari/537.36
9 17633 2.01% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Barkrowler/0.9; +
10 8933 1.02% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
11 8578 0.98% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +;
12 5386 0.61% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;
13 4507 0.51% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; bingbot/2.0; + Chrome/116.0.19
14 4351 0.50% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 15.0.0; Win64; x64; ) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/124.0.6367.60 Chrome/124.0.6367.6
15 4302 0.49% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Usage by Country for September 2024

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 877554 100.00% 448040 100.02% 17679141 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.21